Children can request gifts to the Three Kings this day. The day after, the 6th of January, this is a vacation day and the children can open their gifts and play with it all day. Click here to book an apartment in Barcelona.
La Asociación de Guarderías de Jumilla ?Mis Primeros Pasos? quiere recordar a todos los ni?os de sus guarderías que ma?ana, 5 de Enero, nos visitarán los Reyes Magos, a partir de las 11:00, en el Aula de Cultura de la CAM y que pueden pasarse por allí para poderlos ver y recoger un ?regalito? que les entregaran personalmente. Que la ilusión de todos los ni?os de nuestro pueblo sea la esperanza de seguir ....Estate al día. Suscribete al Feed RSS ? Suscribete via email ...
Reis Magos Fort GoaBuilt in 1551, the Reis Magos fort is another manifestation of the Portuguese rulers' resolve to defend their territory against invaders from the neigbouring states of Goa. The fort is located at the eponymous village ...